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Saturday, 17 September 2011

Sandara Park gives an update from ‘NOLZA Japan’ rehearsal

2NE1‘s Sandara Park has checked in with fans from Japan.
On September 17th, Sandara posted the following on her me2day,

Today is NOLZA in Japan‘s first rehearsal day! Today, as always, Dara is ready dressed in her official rehearsal clothes, her 2NE1 team outfit. For breakfast today, we deliciously ate red pepper paste, tuna, and seaweed that mom packed us. When I miss mom bbabababam
Along with the post she added the above picture where Sandara is seen wearing a bright red training jacket with her blackjack t-shirt underneath. She is once again showing her innocent charm with her wavy hairstyle and big glasses.
Fans commented, “I’m really jealous of your complexion” “I think you look much prettier with your more natural hairstyle [like this]” and “This is so cute
Meanwhile, 2NE1 will be touring Japan from September 19th through October 2nd as they hit 3 different cities for 6 concerts in which they will be meeting over 70,000 fans. They’re planning to stay in Japan until the end of their concert tour.
Source: Star News via Naver

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