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Saturday, 17 September 2011

Noh Hong Chul’s car explodes on ‘Infinity Challenge’

On the latest episode of MBC‘s ‘Infinity Challenge‘, viewers were treated to a shock when cast member Noh Hong Chul‘s car suddenly exploded out of nowhere.
The ‘Speed special’ episode consisted of the members trying to stop an unknown criminal from exploding a bomb that had been planted in their bus by carrying out certain tasks within a given time limit.
At the conclusion of the episode, the criminal stated, “I will take one of your cars. If you do not want to see your car explode in front of your eyes, you better move them out of the way. I wonder if your managers are around. You have one minute.”
While the other cast members, unable to move inside the locked bus, successfully contacted their managers to see their cars to safety, Noh Hong Chul’s manager failed to pick up his phone which resulted in his customized hatchback exploding in a display of fire and smoke.
Noh Hong Chul displayed his shock at the proceedings, spluttering, “I’m not the only one seeing this, right?” to an equally bewildered cast. “Did anyone tell you about this?” They questioned.
The finale of the ‘Speed special’ will air next week, and the mystery surrounding the anonymous criminal is expected to be unraveled, as well as the truth behind the explosion.

Source: Sports Seoul

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