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Sunday, 31 July 2011

MBC’s ‘Section TV’ ranks the top 10 ’shocking’ dances attempted by the public at least once Published On Monday, August 01, 2011

On July 31st, MBC’s ‘Section TV‘ ranked the top 10 ’shocking’ dances that almost everyone has tried copying.
1st place went to Super Junior’s “Sorry Sorrydance. 2nd place was SNSD’s crab leg dance and arrow dance from “Gee” and “Hoot“, respectively. 3rd place went to KARA for their butt dance from “Mister“.
Continuing, at 4th place was Park Myung Soo with his Jjyo jjyo dance. 5th place as Brown Eyed Girls’s cocky hip swaying dance from “Abracadabra“. 6th place went to T-ara for their cute “Bo Peep Bo Peep” dance.
Additionally, 7th place was Uhm Jung Hwa’s “Don’t Know” disco dance. 8th place was 4minute’s HyunA’s pelvic thrust dance from “Change“. 9th place was Psy’s “Bird” dance and finally 10th place went to B2ST’s Kikwang for his ‘American dance‘.
Who else do you think should be on this list?

Updated with video clip below.
Source: TV Daily via Nate
Thanks to kid for the video clip!

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