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Sunday, 31 July 2011

‘Immortal Song 2′ once again experiences a ratings decline Published On Monday, August 01, 2011

This week, KBS’ ‘Immortal Song 2′ had another drop in the ratings, as did its partner show ‘SECRET’.
Viewing research performed by AGB Nielson Media revealed that both shows combined only managed to reach a 6.2% rating nationwide. Compared to last week, the ratings were 1.5% lower, as last week’s episode managed to snag 7.7% nationwide. Having maintained 7% ratings for two weeks, it is disappointing that the ratings fell by over 1%.
The main factor for the low ratings is the popularity of its competitors.  MBC’s ‘Infinity Challenge’ aired its long-awaited rowing competition episode, which managed to attract a nationwide rating of 16.1%, a significant rise from last week’s 14.4%.
Other shows in the same time slot,  MBC’s We Got Married and SBS’ Star King, are also proving to be very fierce competition for ‘Immortal Song 2′.
Let’s hope the ratings will make an improvement next week, with new contestants and modified rules.
Source: OSEN via Nate

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