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Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Amir Khan Hero of Pakistani Boxer Photos , Images On July 27, 2011

Pakistan Boxing federation president has confirmed that Ami Khan, a Pakistani born world light weight champion in boxing, would train the Pakistani boxers in United Kingdom. Pakistani Boxers will fly to UK, where they will be trained by Amir Khan and then these players will play the qualifying round for the world boxing championship.

This is indeed a good news for Pakistani boxers and something to be taken pride in for all social life cycles of Pakistan. Pakistan boxing federation just gets 1.6 Million rupees as the annual fund for all the activities of the federation. But this is a dream come true for Pakistani boxers. They have got a life time opportunity to be trained by such a marvelous player Amir Khan.

There are wishes for Pakistani boxers and lot of love for Amir Khan for being a true Pakistani, offering his services for free. Allah bless you Amir Khan and our Beloved Pakistan.

Asian guy

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