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Monday, 8 August 2011

Nichkhun whips out his ‘grandpa glasses’ August 8, 2011

Let’s face it folks. Nichkhun is going to be one savvy-looking grandpa.
On August 8th, 2PM’s Nichkhun uploaded a hilarious picture of himself and tweeted, “One day I’ll be wearing these glasses and yelling at my grandchildren hahaha.
In the picture, Nichkhun is seen making an angry face while wearing perfectly round glasses. His grandpa-like expression evoked laughter from those who saw the picture.
Netizens said, “I wonder what his grandchild will look like” and “You look like Harry Potter. It suits you“.
Meanwhile, Park Jin YoungLim Jeong Hee, Wonder GirlsJOO2AM2PMmiss ASan-E, and other JYP artists will perform at the “JYP Nation” concert in Japan on August 17th and 18th.
Source + Photo: OSEN

Check out their adorable photos and making-of clip from the shoot below!

Asian guy

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