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Monday, 1 August 2011

KARA to endorse ‘Red Vinegreat Drink’ in Japan Published On Monday, August 01, 2011

KARA has been chosen as the Japanese advertisement models for Chung Jung Won’s drink product, “Red Vinegreat Drink“!
Thanks to their cute and healthy image, the girls have acquired quite the fanbase in Japan. CFs for the brand will begin airing in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya starting this month with KARA at the forefront of their campaign. KARA will be emphasizing their healthy and slim body lines to show what could be achieved by drinking the product.
Aside from TV CFs, Chung Jung Won will be planning several events and fan signings to further promote the brand. Representatives explained, “By choosing KARA as our Japanese models, we’re looking forward to the rise in sales and the advancement of our image. Once fans found out that KARA was contracted for our drink, we recorded $1.2 million USD in sales, 10 times more than the standard.”
They continued, “We believe that KARA will be able to deliver our drink’s keyword of ’skincare’ and ‘body management’ to our consumers, as our target base is women in their 20s to 30s.”
Source + Photos: K Mom News via Naver

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