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Sunday, 31 July 2011

T-ara’s Hyomin reveals her childhood photos Published On Monday, August 01, 2011

T-ara’s Hyomin updated her Twitter with a picture saying, “Yesterday as I was looking for some of my valuables I found an old sticker photo. After I had heard the news of the development of sticker photo machines I, an excited elementary schooler, thought I should be the first one to get my picture taken“. The younger Hyomin’s cute demeanor drew fans’ attention.
Hyomin tweeted again, “Two more pictures from my childhood! The first picture is a ‘YaYaYa‘ concept” along with two more photographs. Wearing a cute top, a small Hyomin is posing smugly with friends.
The second photo’s concept is ‘Roly Poly‘. My mom seems to have planned out the makeup concept since then. This picture was taken when I had been crying to Dad about getting me a puppy, but after Mom promised to dress me up and put makeup on me my mood drastically brightened. But I still look so smug“.
Upon seeing the pictures netizens warmly commented, “You were and are still so adorable“, “this proves you are a natural cutie“, “your younger appearance was so cute“.
Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

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