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Sunday, 31 July 2011

NS Yoon Ji explains her ‘winged clothes’ Published On Monday, August 01, 2011

NS Yoon Ji’s winged clothes is creating quite a buzz!
On July 29th, NS Yoon Ji made a comeback through KBS Music Bank‘. On this day, NS Yoon Ji wore a marine-look shirt and white shorts. Netizens also noticed a pink wing-like cloth near her shorts, wondering exactly what it was. Along with NS Yoon Ji’s cute dance, netizens dubbed that portion of her outfit ‘wing clothes’.  The nickname was soon ranked number 1 on various search engines.
About this, NS Yoon Ji tweeted, “I’m tweeting this because many people are curious about my wing clothes(?)! It is actually a lovely t-shirt that my stylist unnie made. Hehe~!” and uploaded a picture.
Also, NS Yoon Ji’s management company, JTM Entertainment, stated, “We are very thankful for all your interest in NS Yoon Ji. During this promotion, our concept is ‘marine look’ and are planning on many different styles.”
Source: Ajoo News

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